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This page reports the different release procedures used across LyX versions

1.  Release Procedure for 2.3.0 pre-releases

  • update docs

python development/tools/

  • update layouts

python development/tools/

  • update LFUNs

bash development/tools/

  • remerge strings

make update-po && make update-gmo

  • put release name and date in ./ && ./configure --enable-build-type=pre && make lyxdist

  • sign both tar balls
  • change back to devel

2.  Release Procedure for 2.0.0 pre-releases

This procedure is heavily based on the previous versions.

At some final stage:

strings for layout translation machinery had to be fixed for the final release, see
check for all critical bugs in translations: ./ -f -i -a *.po
regenerate credits, make lfundoc

2.1  In the source:

  • update version and date in (the last file to commit)
  • update ANNOUNCE by editing the top of the file and pasting status.20x into the bottom
  • When this is OK, copy the start of the announcement to NEWS
  • Update the RELEASE-NOTES file, in so far as that makes sense
  • check the distribution (in the build directory); (you should check monolithic builds too)
              make distcheck
  • check if any files has been updated (po files in particular)
  • commit changes
  • make a distribution
              rm -rf /tmp-path/lyx-export
              svn export . /tmp-path/lyx-export
              cd /tmp-path/lyx-export
              ./ && ./configure --enable-build-type=pre && make lyxdist  #final release should have --enable-build-type=rel
  • tag release (as lyx-2_x_ybeta2, where beta2 is an example that should be replaced by the right version)
              svn cp svn:// svn:// -m'Tag release lyx-2_0_0beta2'
  • change the version back to svn and commit.

2.2  On the ftp site

  • create gpg signature: gpg -b lyx-2.0.0alpha5.tar.xz
  • update dist to
  • accepted binaries should have pgp signatures as well

2.3  Sending mail

  • send annoucement to lyx-announce, lyx-devel and lyx-users with Reply-to lyx-users. Add in bcc. (in case of alpha post only to lyx-devel and lyx-users, just for major events like rc1, full release)

2.4  Web site www-user (not for alphas)

  • add announcement as announcement/1_x_y.txt
  • update
  • update last version number in index.php
  • cd misc/rss && make . If output is reasonable (usually two lines of diff) the svn ci just updates RSS feeds.

2.5  Web site (update pages)

2.6  PR

3.  Release Procedure for maintenance releases (2.3.x [x>0])

3.1  In the source:

  • update version and date in
  • update ANNOUNCE; in particular, copy status.22x to the end of that file
  • when this is OK, copy the start of the announcement to NEWS
  • update RELEASE-NOTES insofar as that makes sense
  • check if any files have been updated (po files in particular)
  • remerge po files
  • commit changes
  • create the distribution
    • these steps can be done by running the development/tools/lyx-build script.
    • export a clean tree
              rm -rf $SOMEDIR/lyx-export
              git checkout-index -a -f --prefix=$SOMEDIR/lyx-export/
  • run ./
              cd $SOMEDIR/lyx-export
  • configure in some directory
              cd $SOMEDIR/build-export
  • make a distribution.
              make dist
              make lyxdist
  • create a patch between distribution and previous
              diff -urN -x .svn -x version.cpp lyx-2.x.(y-1) lyx-2.x.y > patch
  • read the patch and check that it makes sense
  • update patch-preamble (a private file) and add ANNOUNCE to it
  • create the final patch: cat patch-preamble patch > patch-2.x.y
  • create gz and xz versions of the patch:
              gzip -c patch-2.x.y > patch-2.x.y.gz
              xz -zc patch-2.x.y > patch-2.x.y.xz
  • create OpenGPG signatures of distribution tarballs and patches:
              gpg -b patch-2.x.y.gz
              gpg -b patch-2.x.y.xz
  • build a binary from the tarball to make sure it compiles properly.
  • put the release candidate somewhere people can test it on different platforms. do not proceed until there is confirmation that it is ok.
  • tag release as lyx-2_x_y
              cd <gitdir>
              git tag -a 2.0.y -m'This is LyX 2.x.y'
              git push --tags
  • Note that it wouldn't be a bad idea to sign these tags with the LyX key. To do that, first tell git about the LyX key:
              git config --global user.signingkey 0x<key-id>
  • You can get the key-id from gpg --list-keys. It's an eight digit hexadecimal number.
  • Now tag as follows:
              git tag -s 2.x.y -m'This is LyX 2.x.y'
  • change the version back in to svn and commit.

3.2  On the ftp site

  • Upload gz and xz files, patches, and GPG signatures to
  • Create a softlink lyx-2.3.x.tar.gz pointing at the latest version
  • Check the access rights by attempting to download the files
  • Create directory for new version
  • Upload the binaries to

3.3  Sending mail

  • It's a good idea to wait 12-24 hours after uploading everything to the ftp site before proceeding to this next step, so that the mirrors will have time to synchronize.
  • Send an annoucement to lyx-announce, lyx-devel and lyx-users with Reply-to lyx-users. It's sufficient to paste the ANNOUNCE file into an email. Add in bcc. The subject should be "LyX 2.3.x Released".

3.4  Web site/www-user

  • Add announcement as announcement/2_x_y.txt
  • Update farm/cookbook/LyX/ Remember to include a link to the announcement.
  • Update translation status in farm/cookbook/LyX/ (generated by make in po/ directory).
  • In case of initial major release change the variable lyx_branch in po/ from empty string to branch tag, e.g. for 2.5.0 you should set lyx_branch="2.5.x" and leave it that way for the rest of 2.5.x cycle.
  • Run make in misc/rss to update RSS feed
  • Commit changes in www-user
  • Adapt version numbers on download page
    • Note that this just means changing a single variable, versiontext, so long as the binaries follow the same naming pattern as in the previous version (which they presumably should).
  • Adapt roadmap

3.5  Wiki

3.6  Trac

  • Add new version
  • Add new milestone
  • Resolve bugs whose status is "Fixed" or "Fixed in stable" as FIXED (resolution) and CLOSED (status).
    • This can all be done with the BatchModifyPlugin: Add the Status and Resolution fields, and set them accordingly. Note that you can uncheck the "Send Email Notifications" and "Modify ticket changetime", which will probably be a good idea for most of these changes.
  • Set target milestone for "Fixed in stable bugs to the devel version.
  • Close current milestone, increase milestone of remaining open bugs.
    • This is done by going to the Roadmap (it's on the navigation bar above), clicking on the milestone in question, and then choosing "Edit Milestone".
  • Update the version of the "next maintenance release" on the bug tracker home page.
  • Examine the remaining fixedintrunk bugs to see which should be committed early in the new cycle.


3.7  PR

Category LyX

4.  Release Procedure for 1.4.x (x>0) releases

From post by Jean-Marc 2006-11-14

Here is what I do these days for 1.4 releases.

In the source:

  • update version and date in
  • update version in po/
  • update ANNOUNCE; when this is OK, copy the start of the announcement to NEWS
  • export to some directory
              rm -rf /local/lasgoutt/lyx-export
              svn export . /local/lasgoutt/lyx-export
  • run ./
              cd /local/lasgoutt/lyx-export
  • configure in some directory
              cd /local/lasgoutt/build-export
              ../lyx-export/configure --with-frontend=qt
  • make a distribution.
              make dist
  • create a patch between distribution and previous
              diff -urN -x .svn -x version.C lyx-1.x.(y-1) lyx-1.x.y >patch
  • read the patch and check that it makes sense
  • update 1.x.y.desc and add ANNOUNCE to it
  • create the patch: cat 1.x.y.desc patch >patch-1.x.y
  • create bz2 versions of distribution and patch
  • tag release as lyx-1_x_y
              cd src/lyx/1.4.x
              svn cp . svn+ssh://

On the ftp site

  • update dist and patch to
  • create directory

Sending mail

  • send annoucement to lyx-announce, lyx-devel and lyx-users with Reply-to lyx-users. Add in bcc.

Web site www-user

  • add announcement as announcement/1_x_y.txt
  • update
  • update last version number in index.php

5.  Release Procedure for 1.4.0 pre-releases

Copied from a post by Lars 2006-01-29:

  • Start with a clean tree
  • Change the version in
  • ./ && ./configure --with-frontend='qt xforms gtk'
  • make distdir
  • Check if any files has been updated (po files in particular)
  • Commit the changed files ('remerge')
  • make DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS='--with-frontend="qt xforms gtk"' distcheck
  • Commit the change
  • Tag the lyx-devel module (cvs rtag lyx-1_4_0pre4 lyx-devel)
  • Change the version back to cvs and commit.
  • Export the pre4 tag (cvs export -r lyx-1_4_0pre4 -d lyx-1.4.0pre4 lyx-devel)
  • ./ && ./configure --with-frontend='qt xforms gtk'
  • make DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS='--with-frontend="qt xforms gtk"' distcheck
  • Copy the resulting packages to

Category: Devel, Release

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Page last modified on 2024-08-23 07:42 UTC