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LyXForXCategories: Scientific Fields << | Page list | >>This page gives an overview on how to use LyX for specific scientific fields. Feel free to add tips for your specific field here ... Table of contents (hide)
1. MathematicsOf course, math has always been one of the core strengthes of LyX. LyX features an excellent math editor, you can define math macros and LyX supports many math constructs. The features are well documented in the User Guide (chapter 5), so there's not much to add here. Here are some pages that are dedicated to mathematics:
2. LinguisticsSee the LinguistLyX page. 3. HumanitiesSee the HumanitiesLyX page. 4. Chemistry4.1 Typesetting formulaeFor typesetting chemical formulae, the LaTeX package mhchem is useful. If the package is installed, it can be used by entering \ce in the math editor. Details are documented in the Math manual. If the preview function of LyX's math editor is used to display the formulae inside LyX in a WYSIWYG way. (Make sure that InstantPreview is switched on in Tools→Preferences→Graphics. Also, you need to have the preview-latex package installed.) 4.2 Categories |