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This is the place to share different color schemes that change the look of LyX. If you want to apply these color schemes, copy and paste the listed text into the file "preferences" (located in "Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Lyx" on Windows, ~/Library/Application Support/LyX-1.x on Mac OSX or ~/.lyx on most other systems, and created for the first time after changing your LyX settings and pressing the "Save" button). If using LyX 2, to change the foreground color, you may need to uncheck "Use system colours" in the "Colors" preference pane. For changes to affect equations you should also select "No math" for "Instant Preview" in the "Display" panel. Since LyX 2.4 LyX supports dark Qt themes. This should work on Linux and Mac OS platforms automatically (i.e. follow system settings). It is not supported on the Windows platform yet. On linux system you can use qt5ct tool to enable dark theme manually. If you used manually created dark theme in 2.3 series you might see unintuitive white-ish background in the branch insets of your 2.3 documents converted to 2.4 - see this for explanation and fix). If you have another color scheme you would like to share, please put it here! Table of contents (hide)
§1. White text on blue backgroundThis color scheme consists of white text on a blue background, like old school Word Perfect for DOS or Apple Works. You may need to change the fonts if you don't have them. (Try substituting Lucida Console (Windows), Andale Mono (Mac), or Vera Sans Mono (Linux) for Consolas--they are similar.) # # SCREEN & FONTS SECTION ############################ # \screen_zoom 130 \screen_font_roman "Consolas" \screen_font_sans "Calibri" \screen_font_typewriter "Consolas" \preview_scale_factor .85 # # COLOR SECTION ################################### # \set_color "cursor" "#ffffff" \set_color "background" "#00007f" \set_color "foreground" "#f1f1f1" \set_color "selection" "#aaaa7f" \set_color "latex" "#d40000" \set_color "preview" "#ffffff" \set_color "notebg" "#000000" \set_color "command" "#f1f1f1" \set_color "commandframe" "#f1f1f1" \set_color "graphicsbg" "#ffffff" \set_color "math" "#ffff00" \set_color "mathbg" "#00007f" \set_color "mathmacrobg" "#ffffff" \set_color "mathframe" "#aaffff" \set_color "mathline" "#00ff00" \set_color "captionframe" "#c30000" \set_color "collapsibleframe" "#be0000" \set_color "insetbg" "#ffaaff" \set_color "eolmarker" "#00ff00" \set_color "tabularline" "#f1f1f1" \set_color "bottomarea" "#00007f" \set_color "top" "#c5c5c5" \set_color "bottom" "#797979" \set_color "left" "#c5c5c5" \set_color "right" "#797979" \set_color "buttonbg" "#919191" ![]() §2. Green text on black backgroundThis color scheme is similar to Darkroom for Windows or WriteRoom for Mac OS X. It is very easy on the eyes. In combination with Clutter Cloak it makes for an almost distraction free writing environment. ![]() # # SCREEN & FONTS SECTION ############################ # \screen_font_roman "Shruti" \screen_font_sans "Arial Black" # # COLOR SECTION ################################### # \set_color "cursor" "#00ff00" \set_color "background" "#000000" \set_color "foreground" "#00ff00" \set_color "selection" "#005500" \set_color "note" "#00ff00" \set_color "notebg" "#555500" \set_color "math" "#aaff00" \set_color "mathbg" "#001000" \set_color "mathmacrobg" "#003100" \set_color "mathframe" "#005500" \set_color "mathcorners" "#005500" \set_color "buttonframe" "#005500" \set_color "buttonbg" "#005500" \set_color "buttonhoverbg" "#00aa00" §3. White on blackCombined with removing of window decorations (use ui-toggle lfun) you get console outlook with this scheme. ![]() \set_color "cursor" "#ffffff" \set_color "background" "#000000" \set_color "foreground" "#ffffff" \set_color "preview" "#393939" \set_color "note" "#555500" \set_color "notebg" "#4b4b00" \set_color "commentbg" "#a0756e" \set_color "greyedoutbg" "#232120" \set_color "graphicsbg" "#5b5754" \set_color "math" "#0ab5f3" \set_color "mathbg" "#000000" \set_color "mathmacrobg" "#000000" \set_color "mathcorners" "#4a4746" \set_color "tabularline" "#3b3b3b" \set_color "buttonframe" "#bfb7ae" §4. Black on White, sparse ColorsThis color scheme tries to be less distracting but not without using color where it makes sense. Text is black, Background is white, Markup is lightblue, Math is darkblue and Frames and Buttons are grey. (There is some more color for comments and boxes, but basically thats it.) ![]() # # COLOR SECTION ################################### # \set_color "cursor" "#000000" \set_color "background" "#ffffff" \set_color "foreground" "#000000" \set_color "selection" "#999999" \set_color "latex" "#0000ff" \set_color "preview" "#000000" \set_color "note" "#000000" \set_color "notebg" "#ffff66" \set_color "comment" "#000000" \set_color "commentbg" "#ffff66" \set_color "greyedout" "#000000" \set_color "greyedoutbg" "#cccccc" \set_color "shaded" "#6666ff" \set_color "depthbar" "#0000ff" \set_color "language" "#0000ff" \set_color "command" "#000000" \set_color "commandbg" "#cccccc" \set_color "commandframe" "#cccccc" \set_color "special" "#0000ff" \set_color "graphicsbg" "#ffffff" \set_color "math" "#000080" \set_color "mathbg" "#ffffff" \set_color "mathmacrobg" "#ffffff" \set_color "mathframe" "#000080" \set_color "mathcorners" "#000080" \set_color "mathline" "#0000ff" \set_color "captionframe" "#999999" \set_color "collapsible" "#000000" \set_color "collapsibleframe" "#999999" \set_color "insetbg" "#ff0080" \set_color "insetframe" "#ff0080" \set_color "eolmarker" "#0000ff" \set_color "added_space" "#0000ff" \set_color "appendix" "#0000ff" \set_color "changebar" "#0000ff" \set_color "topline" "#000000" \set_color "tabularonoffline" "#999999" \set_color "bottomarea" "#ffffff" \set_color "pagebreak" "#0000ff" \set_color "buttonframe" "#cccccc" \set_color "buttonbg" "#cccccc" \set_color "buttonhoverbg" "#999999" §5. Greenish on Black, sparse ColorsThis color scheme is almost the inverse of the sparse Black-on-White scheme, but with slightly lower contrast, a greenish tint, and an easier-to-see bright-green cursor. # # COLOR SECTION ################################### # \set_color "cursor" "#00ff00" \set_color "background" "#221100" \set_color "foreground" "#c8e3c8" \set_color "selection" "#666666" \set_color "latex" "#ffff00" \set_color "preview" "#c8e3c8" \set_color "note" "#c8e3c8" \set_color "notebg" "#000099" \set_color "comment" "#c8e3c8" \set_color "commentbg" "#000099" \set_color "greyedout" "#c8e3c8" \set_color "greyedoutbg" "#333333" \set_color "shaded" "#999900" \set_color "depthbar" "#ffff00" \set_color "language" "#ffff00" \set_color "command" "#c8e3c8" \set_color "commandbg" "#333333" \set_color "commandframe" "#333333" \set_color "special" "#ffff00" \set_color "graphicsbg" "#221100" \set_color "math" "#ffff7f" \set_color "mathbg" "#221100" \set_color "mathmacrobg" "#221100" \set_color "mathframe" "#ffff7f" \set_color "mathcorners" "#ffff7f" \set_color "mathline" "#ffff00" \set_color "captionframe" "#666666" \set_color "collapsible" "#c8e3c8" \set_color "collapsibleframe" "#666666" \set_color "insetbg" "#00ff7f" \set_color "insetframe" "#00ff7f" \set_color "eolmarker" "#ffff00" \set_color "added_space" "#ffff00" \set_color "appendix" "#ffff00" \set_color "changebar" "#ffff00" \set_color "topline" "#c8e3c8" \set_color "tabularonoffline" "#666666" \set_color "bottomarea" "#221100" \set_color "pagebreak" "#ffff00" \set_color "buttonframe" "#333333" \set_color "buttonbg" "#333333" \set_color "buttonhoverbg" "#666666" §6. Solarized Light# # COLOR SECTION ################################### # \set_color "cursor" "#657b83" \set_color "background" "#fdf6e3" \set_color "foreground" "#657b83" \set_color "selection" "#93a1a1" \set_color "selectiontext" "#fdf6e3" \set_color "latex" "#657b83" \set_color "preview" "#657b83" \set_color "inlinecompletion" "#93a1a1" \set_color "nonuniqueinlinecompletion" "#93a1a1" \set_color "note" "#268bd2" \set_color "notebg" "#eee8d5" \set_color "commentbg" "#eee8d5" \set_color "greyedoutbg" "#eee8d5" \set_color "shaded" "#dc322f" \set_color "listingsbg" "#268bd2" \set_color "footlabel" "#6c71c4" \set_color "urllabel" "#657b83" \set_color "urltext" "#657b83" \set_color "depthbar" "#2aa198" \set_color "language" "#657b83" \set_color "command" "#2aa198" \set_color "commandbg" "#eee8d5" \set_color "commandframe" "#93a1a1" \set_color "special" "#81a2be" \set_color "graphicsbg" "#eee8d5" \set_color "math" "#657b83" \set_color "mathbg" "#fdf6e3" \set_color "mathmacrobg" "#eee8d5" \set_color "mathmacroframe" "#eee8d5" \set_color "mathmacroblend" "#657b83" \set_color "mathmacronewarg" "#657b83" \set_color "mathframe" "#657b83" \set_color "mathcorners" "#eee8d5" \set_color "mathline" "#657b83" \set_color "collapsible" "#d0caff" \set_color "collapsibleframe" "#eee8d5" \set_color "insetframe" "#93a1a1" \set_color "eolmarker" "#2aa198" \set_color "added_space" "#2aa198" \set_color "appendix" "#dc322f" \set_color "changebar" "#4d4d4c" \set_color "addedtext" "#8b0000" \set_color "changedtextauthor1" "#2aa198" \set_color "changedtextauthor2" "#d33682" \set_color "changedtextauthor3" "#cf4b16" \set_color "changedtextauthor4" "#b58900" \set_color "changedtextauthor5" "#859900" \set_color "tabularline" "#657b83" \set_color "tabularonoffline" "#93a1a1" \set_color "newpage" "#2aa198" \set_color "pagebreak" "#268bd2" \set_color "buttonframe" "#93a1a1" \set_color "buttonbg" "#fdf6e3" \set_color "buttonhoverbg" "#eee8d5" \set_color "paragraphmarker" "#8abeb7" \set_color "previewframe" "#657b83" §7. Solarized Dark# # COLOR SECTION ################################### # \set_color "cursor" "#839496" \set_color "background" "#002b36" \set_color "foreground" "#839496" \set_color "selection" "#586e75" \set_color "selectiontext" "#002b36" \set_color "latex" "#839496" \set_color "preview" "#839496" \set_color "inlinecompletion" "#586e75" \set_color "nonuniqueinlinecompletion" "#586e75" \set_color "note" "#268bd2" \set_color "notebg" "#073642" \set_color "commentbg" "#073642" \set_color "greyedoutbg" "#073642" \set_color "shaded" "#dc322f" \set_color "listingsbg" "#268bd2" \set_color "footlabel" "#6c71c4" \set_color "urllabel" "#839496" \set_color "urltext" "#839496" \set_color "depthbar" "#2aa198" \set_color "language" "#839496" \set_color "command" "#2aa198" \set_color "commandbg" "#073642" \set_color "commandframe" "#586e75" \set_color "special" "#81a2be" \set_color "graphicsbg" "#073642" \set_color "math" "#839496" \set_color "mathbg" "#002b36" \set_color "mathmacrobg" "#073642" \set_color "mathmacroframe" "#073642" \set_color "mathmacroblend" "#839496" \set_color "mathmacronewarg" "#839496" \set_color "mathframe" "#839496" \set_color "mathcorners" "#073642" \set_color "mathline" "#839496" \set_color "collapsible" "#d0caff" \set_color "collapsibleframe" "#073642" \set_color "insetframe" "#586e75" \set_color "eolmarker" "#2aa198" \set_color "added_space" "#2aa198" \set_color "appendix" "#dc322f" \set_color "changebar" "#4d4d4c" \set_color "addedtext" "#8b0000" \set_color "changedtextauthor1" "#2aa198" \set_color "changedtextauthor2" "#d33682" \set_color "changedtextauthor3" "#cf4b16" \set_color "changedtextauthor4" "#b58900" \set_color "changedtextauthor5" "#859900" \set_color "tabularline" "#839496" \set_color "tabularonoffline" "#586e75" \set_color "newpage" "#2aa198" \set_color "pagebreak" "#268bd2" \set_color "buttonframe" "#586e75" \set_color "buttonbg" "#002b36" \set_color "buttonhoverbg" "#073642" \set_color "paragraphmarker" "#8abeb7" \set_color "previewframe" "#839496" §8. Seti BlackThis theme is inspired from Seti Color Theme adapted to LyX by Mohamed Saad IBN SEDDIK. # # COLOR SECTION ################################### # \set_color "cursor" "#A6E22E" \set_color "background" "#151718" \set_color "foreground" "#d4d7d6" \set_color "selection" "#4FA5C7" \set_color "selectiontext" "#fefefe" \set_color "latex" "#A6E22E" \set_color "preview" "#A6E22E" \set_color "inlinecompletion" "#AE81FF" \set_color "nonuniqueinlinecompletion" "#AE81FF" \set_color "note" "#75715E" \set_color "notebg" "#252728" \set_color "commentbg" "#252728" \set_color "greyedoutbg" "#252728" \set_color "shaded" "#dc322f" \set_color "listingsbg" "#75715E" \set_color "footlabel" "#AE81FF" \set_color "urllabel" "#A6E22E" \set_color "urltext" "#A6E22E" \set_color "depthbar" "#A6E22E" \set_color "language" "#A6E22E" \set_color "command" "#A6E22E" \set_color "commandbg" "#252728" \set_color "commandframe" "#AE81FF" \set_color "special" "#66D9EF" \set_color "graphicsbg" "#252728" \set_color "math" "#A6E22E" \set_color "mathbg" "#252728" \set_color "mathmacrobg" "#252728" \set_color "mathmacroframe" "#A6E22E" \set_color "mathmacroblend" "#A6E22E" \set_color "mathmacronewarg" "#A6E22E" \set_color "mathframe" "#A6E22E" \set_color "mathcorners" "#A6E22E" \set_color "mathline" "#A6E22E" \set_color "collapsible" "#d0caff" \set_color "collapsibleframe" "#A6E22E" \set_color "insetframe" "#AE81FF" \set_color "eolmarker" "#A6E22E" \set_color "added_space" "#A6E22E" \set_color "appendix" "#dc322f" \set_color "changebar" "#4d4d4c" \set_color "addedtext" "#8b0000" \set_color "changedtextauthor1" "#A6E22E" \set_color "changedtextauthor2" "#d33682" \set_color "changedtextauthor3" "#cf4b16" \set_color "changedtextauthor4" "#b58900" \set_color "changedtextauthor5" "#859900" \set_color "tabularline" "#A6E22E" \set_color "tabularonoffline" "#AE81FF" \set_color "newpage" "#A6E22E" \set_color "pagebreak" "#75715E" \set_color "buttonframe" "#AE81FF" \set_color "buttonbg" "#252728" \set_color "buttonhoverbg" "#454748" \set_color "paragraphmarker" "#8abeb7" \set_color "previewframe" "#A6E22E" §9. Dark ThemeThis is a dark theme with dark grey background and light font color. Math is in cyan, latex code in yellow; some other features are in magenta. In Mac please disable system colors. Please improve the theme and update it here! # # COLOR SECTION ################################### # \set_color "cursor" "#ffaa00" \set_color "background" "#262728" \set_color "foreground" "#d4d7d6" \set_color "selection" "#646496" \set_color "selectiontext" "#fefefe" \set_color "latex" "#ffff7f" \set_color "preview" "#aaaaff" \set_color "inlinecompletion" "#AE81FF" \set_color "nonuniqueinlinecompletion" "#AE81FF" \set_color "note" "#75715E" \set_color "notebg" "#252728" \set_color "commentbg" "#252728" \set_color "greyedoutbg" "#252728" \set_color "shaded" "#dc322f" \set_color "listingsbg" "#75715E" \set_color "footlabel" "#AE81FF" \set_color "urllabel" "#aaaaff" \set_color "urltext" "#55aaff" \set_color "depthbar" "#A6E22E" \set_color "language" "#A6E22E" \set_color "command" "#aaaaff" \set_color "commandbg" "#252728" \set_color "commandframe" "#AE81FF" \set_color "special" "#66D9EF" \set_color "graphicsbg" "#252728" \set_color "math" "#00ffff" \set_color "mathbg" "#262728" \set_color "mathmacrobg" "#252728" \set_color "mathmacroframe" "#50504f" \set_color "mathmacroblend" "#A6E22E" \set_color "mathmacronewarg" "#A6E22E" \set_color "mathframe" "#00ffff" \set_color "mathcorners" "#262728" \set_color "mathline" "#aaaaff" \set_color "insetframe" "#262728" \set_color "eolmarker" "#A6E22E" \set_color "added_space" "#A6E22E" \set_color "appendix" "#dc322f" \set_color "changebar" "#4d4d4c" \set_color "addedtext" "#8b0000" \set_color "changedtextauthor1" "#A6E22E" \set_color "changedtextauthor2" "#d33682" \set_color "changedtextauthor3" "#cf4b16" \set_color "changedtextauthor4" "#b58900" \set_color "changedtextauthor5" "#859900" \set_color "tabularline" "#A6E22E" \set_color "tabularonoffline" "#AE81FF" \set_color "newpage" "#A6E22E" \set_color "pagebreak" "#ffff7f" \set_color "buttonframe" "#50504f" \set_color "buttonbg" "#262728" \set_color "buttonhoverbg" "#454748" \set_color "paragraphmarker" "#8abeb7" \set_color "previewframe" "#A6E22E" \use_system_colors false §10. Dark theme with orange mathDark grey background, light text and orange math. Based on adaptation of Tomorrow Night to LyX by joonro # # COLOR SECTION ################################### # \set_color "green" "#b5bd68" \set_color "cursor" "#cc6666" \set_color "background" "#232528" \set_color "foreground" "#c5c8c6" \set_color "selection" "#373b41" \set_color "selectiontext" "#c5c8c6" \set_color "latex" "#81a2be" \set_color "preview" "#c5c8c6" \set_color "inlinecompletion" "#f0c674" \set_color "nonuniqueinlinecompletion" "#d6d6d6" \set_color "note" "#8abeb7" \set_color "notebg" "#2e2731" \set_color "comment" "#969896" \set_color "commentbg" "#1d1f21" \set_color "greyedout" "#c5c8c6" \set_color "greyedoutbg" "#cccccc" \set_color "shaded" "#b294bb" \set_color "listingsbg" "#232528" \set_color "branchlabel" "#de935f" \set_color "footlabel" "#8abeb7" \set_color "indexlabel" "#b5bd68" \set_color "marginlabel" "#b294bb" \set_color "phantomtext" "#c5c8c6" \set_color "urllabel" "#81a2be" \set_color "urltext" "#81a2be" \set_color "depthbar" "#81a2be" \set_color "language" "#81a2be" \set_color "command" "#de935f" \set_color "commandbg" "#282a2e" \set_color "commandframe" "#d6d6d6" \set_color "special" "#81a2be" \set_color "graphicsbg" "#232528" \set_color "math" "#de935f" \set_color "mathbg" "#232528" \set_color "mathmacrobg" "#232528" \set_color "mathmacroframe" "#d6d6d6" \set_color "mathmacroblend" "#c5c8c6" \set_color "mathmacronewarg" "#c5c8c6" \set_color "mathframe" "#de935f" \set_color "mathcorners" "#b5bd68" \set_color "mathline" "#b5bd68" \set_color "collapsible" "#cd5c5c" \set_color "insetbg" "#b294bb" \set_color "insetframe" "#b294bb" \set_color "error" "#cc6666" \set_color "eolmarker" "#81a2be" \set_color "added_space" "#8abeb7" \set_color "appendix" "#81a2be" \set_color "changebar" "#81a2be" \set_color "deletedtext" "#cc6666" \set_color "addedtext" "#81a2be" \set_color "changedtextauthor1" "#b294bb" \set_color "changedtextauthor2" "#8abeb7" \set_color "changedtextauthor3" "#b5bd68" \set_color "changedtextauthor4" "#de935f" \set_color "changedtextauthor5" "#f0c674" \set_color "tabularline" "#d6d6d6" \set_color "tabularonoffline" "#8e908c" \set_color "bottomarea" "#1d1f21" \set_color "newpage" "#8abeb7" \set_color "pagebreak" "#8abeb7" \set_color "buttonframe" "#d6d6d6" \set_color "buttonbg" "#3e3144" \set_color "buttonhoverbg" "#4d3d55" \set_color "previewframe" "#d6d6d6" §11. Minimalistic Dark theme with teal mathDark grey background, light text and teal math. Not busy with many colors. Made by Cfir Amar. # # COLOR SECTION ################################### # \set_color "cursor" "#ffffff" \set_color "background" "#2a2625" \set_color "foreground" "#f4f4f4" \set_color "selection" "#6a6867" \set_color "selectiontext" "#f4f4f4" \set_color "latex" "#278b20" \set_color "preview" "#f4f4f4" \set_color "nonuniqueinlinecompletion" "#636363" \set_color "notebg" "#a2a200" \set_color "comment" "#98e8d7" \set_color "commentbg" "#2a2625" \set_color "greyedouttext" "#666666" \set_color "greyedoutbg" "#2a2625" \set_color "shaded" "#712aff" \set_color "listingsbg" "#2a2625" \set_color "urllabel" "#27a9ff" \set_color "urltext" "#27a9ff" \set_color "scroll" "#3ccd34" \set_color "language" "#98e8d7" \set_color "commandbg" "#484d4d" \set_color "commandframe" "#f4f4f4" \set_color "graphicsbg" "#2a2625" \set_color "math" "#98e8d7" \set_color "mathbg" "#2a2625" \set_color "mathmacrobg" "#2a2625" \set_color "mathmacrohoverbg" "#56524d" \set_color "mathmacrolabel" "#716b66" \set_color "mathmacroframe" "#2a2625" \set_color "mathmacroblend" "#f4f4f4" \set_color "mathmacrooldarg" "#5a5a5a" \set_color "mathmacronewarg" "#f4f4f4" \set_color "mathframe" "#77b6a8" \set_color "mathcorners" "#2a2625" \set_color "mathline" "#98e8d7" \set_color "collapsible" "#e20000" \set_color "insetbg" "#585858" \set_color "insetframe" "#40cd68" \set_color "error" "#29ffd4" \set_color "eolmarker" "#6d6965" \set_color "added_space" "#688fa5" \set_color "appendix" "#34a534" \set_color "changebar" "#27a9ff" \set_color "addedtext" "#27a9ff" \set_color "changedtextauthor1" "#27a9ff" \set_color "deletedtextmodifier" "#2a2625" \set_color "tabularline" "#f4f4f4" \set_color "newpage" "#27a9ff" \set_color "pagebreak" "#6b6b6b" \set_color "buttonframe" "#534f4c" \set_color "buttonbg" "#4b4844" \set_color "buttonhoverbg" "#545455" \set_color "paragraphmarker" "#565656" \set_color "previewframe" "#f4f4f4" §12. Links to more themes |